Convert reaumur to kelvin, abbreviated as °Re to K. This is based formula: kelvin = reaumur ÷ 0.8 + 273.15, under this rule, reaumurs can be easily converted into kelvins. Now, let’s discuss in more detail.
It is temperature scale where boiling point is taken to be as 80 degrees and freezing point is taken to be as 0 degrees. It’s also known as Octogesimal division. Like other units of temperatures, it’s also used to measure temperatures.
Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur was the first who proposed a scale similar to Reaumur in 1730. It’s origin basically comes from the France and Germany where it was earlier being used. Along with, all over the Europe it was being used at large scales. Even if it was widely used in Europe, yet it was replaced with Celsius scale till 1790s. However, it had been used till 1950 in some areas of Europe although it was replaced earlier.
Its abbreviation is °Re and sometimes it’s been used as a symbol r.
It has not been used in current era but in some areas in food industry it’s still used at minor scale. Therefore, it’s not wrong to say that it has been replace with other temperature scales. Italian and Swiss factories use it for measuring milk temperatures while production of cheese.
It’s the widely used temperature scale in various categories. It is also known as absolute scale. The freezing point of water is 273.15 kelvins. Unlike other two widely used scales (Celsius and Fahrenheit) it’s not represented with degree symbol as per convention. In Physical sciences, Kelvin is the basic/primary unit to measure temperature.
It is the SI unit and one of the base units of System International for temperature. Kelvin is quite similar to centigrade scale where coldest point is -273.16 (as an absolute zero)
It is named after the William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824-1907) who was engineer and Physicist at Glasgow University. In 1848, he calculate the absolute -273.15.
In 1954, Kelvin scale is recognized by its third definition via designing the third point of water by the resolution 3 of the General Conference of Weighs and measures.
It’s represented with the symbol K.
If you want to know how to convert reaumur to kelvin, you must get the conversion formula or factor first.
Reaumur to Kelvin formula is:
Kelvin = Reaumur ÷ 0.8 + 273.15
For example, convert 32 °Re to K
32 °Re = 32 ÷ 0.8 + 273.15 = 313.15 K
Through the above content, now you know how to convert reaumur to kelvin. But if you want to convert reaumur to other temperature units, please click the corresponding link below.
In order to quickly obtain the conversion result from reaumur to kelvin, we list some commonly used conversion numbers in the following table.