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Sound Converter

The sound unit converter, which realizes the conversion between different sound units, currently includes 9 sound units and 72 conversion relationships.

The sound units are as follows:

Sound unit Abbreviation
Bel B
Decibel dB
Neper Np
Millidecibel mdB
Centidecibel cdB
Dekadecibel dadB
Kilodecibel kdB
Megadecibel MdB
Gigadecibel GdB

Complete list of sound conversions

Bel Conversions

Decibel Conversions

Neper Conversions

Millidecibel Conversions

Centidecibel Conversions

Dekadecibel Conversions

Kilodecibel Conversions

Megadecibel Conversions

Gigadecibel Conversions


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